Coesam Scandinavia was founded in 2004 by Monica Takamiya Wik and Peter Kristoffersen, both plant molecular biologists with the mission to develop and market healthy organic rosehip products in Scandinavia and Europe. 

We were convinced from the beginning to work with rosehips and that we should use our experiences in research and development from the food and medical industry on developing a range healthy rosehip products. 

We found the very best organic rosehips in the south of Chile.

We take part all from the beginning

We follow our rosehips all the way from harvesting in Chile until the finished products are delivered to the consumers.

We visit the organic rosehip plantation during the harvesting time to follow the harvest and the drying procedure.

The rosehip powder is manufactured fresh from month to month at ISO-9001 certified facilities in Germany 

The finished products are hand-packed in Germany and our at own packing facilities Denmark before they are delivered to our customers.

A unique climate for rosehip cultivation

The climate in the beautiful southern Chile is optimal for rosehip cultivation. The combination of the Andes Mountains and the cold Humboldt Current along the Chilean coast makes a special climate with sunny days and cool nights. The benefit of low night temperatures is an optimal preservation of the active ingredients and substances giving flavouring the rosehips (similar to Chilean wines).

More taste – more active ingredients

The organic cultivation, the unique climate conditions and the selection of the AP-4 cultivar makes the difference. More taste also means more active ingredients.